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Impact Wrestling Champion Rich Swann Buried By Impact Wrestling

Impact Wrestling Champion Rich Swann Buried By Impact Wrestling

It may be an exaggeration but, at least to me, it looked like Impact Wrestling Champion Rich Swann was buried near the end of the episode before the Kenny Omega interview.

What happened was this, Impact Wrestling Champion Rich Swann was stopped by security from going to the parking area because the Champ was there and he, Rich Swann, was not on the list.

So, how could the champ be out there in parking area when the champ was still inside the building? Sadly for Rich Swann, the security was referring to the AEW World Champion Kenny Omega.

As a viewer, the entire scene was giving off the message that the AEW World Champion Kenny Omega was more important to Impact Wrestling than their own Impact Wrestling Champion.

Anyway, that was the resson why I felt that the Impact Wrestling Champion was buried by Impact Wrestling. If buried is a strong word then I guess you can say the Impact Wrestling Champion was given less importance in that particular scene.

So guys, did any of you felt the same way? Was the Impact Wrestling Champion buried or given less importance in that scene? 

Post your answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.

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