Rogue Wrestling Alliance Is HIRING TALENTS 2020! Second Life Wrestling!
Rogue Wrestling Alliance is a pro-wrestling promotion in the virtual world of Second Life and it's looking for new talents.
If you think you have what it takes then check out the following positions.
Voice, this is basically a commentator like Jim Ross in real world wrestling and the position is described as and I quote...
Vandal, this is what an RWA wrestler is called and the position is described as and I quote...
Official, this is the referee position and it's described as and I quote...
If you are interested in joining a pro-wrestling promotion in the virtual world of Second Life then simply contact or message Henryparker Resident in-world.
So guys, are any of you interested in becoming part of a pro-wrestling promotion in Second Life? Post your answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.
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