Cody Rhodes on WarnerMedia Shakeup / Kevin Reilly Left TNT

Recently, both AEW and Non-AEW fans were talking about the recent shakeup that happened with WarnerMedia and how it will affect AEW moving forward.
According to reports, WarnerMedia president of TNT, Kevin Reilly, has left TNT which was part of a major corporate shakeup.
Kevin Reilly was the person who brought back pro-wrestling to TNT with AEW and he was also a friend of Tony Khan, owner of AEW.
With Kevin Reilly gone from TNT, AEW fans are worried about AEW's future and how it would affect AEW's current TV deal and position with TNT.
In a reply to a fan in Twitter, AEW wrestler and EVP, Cody Rhodes, reassured fans of AEW's future with TNT.
Cody Rhodes said in his Twitter reply and I quote, "We have been blessed to have had so many viewers(even opposed), thus the 3+ year extension. It’s a great partnership!".
So guys, what are your thoughts about AEW's future now that Kevin Reilly had left TNT? Post your answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.
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