LEGENDS OF ARIA Gameplay (Hour 12) Chopping Trees and Hunting Hides!
In this Legends of Aria gameplay video, my Legends of Aria avatar spawned near the carpentry crafting table but he immediately summoned his Legends of Aria horse and rode outside the Legends of Aria city of Valus to start harvesting wood by chopping down trees.
So, my Legends of Aria avatar spent a good amount of time harvesting wood, crafting wooden boards, wooden crates and adding them to my Legends of Aria avatar crafting order of 52 wooden crates.
Thanks to my meta-gaming skills, my Legends of Aria avatar learned how to turn a horse into a Legends of Aria pack horse but it will need a lot of work and I mean a lot of work because it involved training another skill.
Well, I was wrong to say my Legends of Aria avatar spent a good amount of time harvesting wood. Having watched the entire video again, my Legends of Aria avatar spent more time hunting animal hides from black bears, giant rats, coyotes and others.
Again, my Legends of Aria avatar is not just a lumberjack, he is also a fighter specializing in using a bow and shooting arrows or archery. Why archery? I'm trying something new with this Legends of Aria avatar of mine.
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