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GUNS OF GLORY Video Ads! Is It The Same Game or Something Totally Different?

GUNS OF GLORY Video Ads! Is It The Same Game or Something Totally Different?

Guns of Glory is a mobile game and, I believe I spent a little over 5 hours of my time playing Guns of Glory. In fact, I just played it for, at least, an hour recently. Also, I'm playing Guns of Glory on my PC because I don't really have a mobile or android phone.

Earlier today, I stumbled upon a Guns of Glory advertisement video in YouTube and, to my surprise, the Guns of Glory advertisement video was advertising a different game. It was advertising a great looking game different from the actual Guns of Glory game.

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As you can see from the Guns of Glory advertisement video, there is a 3D world for players to explore. It looks more like a survival mmorpg with gathering, farming, evolving buildings and a growing village but, in reality, Guns of Glory is nowhere near the game shown in the Guns of Glory advertisement video.

In this next Guns of Glory advertisement video, it showed the game as a third person / first person shooting game and, in this one, the game was like a Kingdom Under Fire 2 but, sadly, none of these had anything to do with Guns of Glory.

In reality, Guns of Glory is your typical pay-to-win base / city / empire building and hero collecting strategy game. There is no survival like open world to explore, no third nor first person shooting elements and no large scale ground battles like in Kingdom Under Fire 2.

Honestly, if I happened to know nothing about Guns of Glory and I saw one of those Guns of Glory advertisement videos then I might had clicked on them too and, obviously, that was the purpose of those videos. To get potential players to click on the advertisement and to get them to play the game.

Is it false advertising? In my opinion, it is because the Guns of Glory advertisement videos showed a game different from the actual game. Fortunately for me, I was already playing the game before I saw these Guns of Glory advertisement videos.

Anyway, whether the Guns of Glory advertisement videos showed the real game or not, it doesn't change the fact that the game is very pay-to-win just like any other mobile games out there in Google Play Store. I play it casually but it will never make me spend any money on it because I don't have any money to spend.

So guys, what are your thoughts about Guns of Glory showing a different type of game from their advertisement videos? Post your answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.

FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.

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