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Bleach Mobile 3D Gameplay on PC! Challenge: Defeat Spider Hollow!

Bleach Mobile 3D Gameplay on PC! Challenge: Defeat Spider Hollow!
Bleach Mobile 3D Gameplay on PC! Challenge: Defeat Spider Hollow!

In this Bleach Mobile 3d gameplay on pc, my character Ichigo entered a challenge to fight and defeat a Spider Hollow. A hollow that looks like a spider or a spider looking hollow. Although, this so called Spider Hollow had six legs not eight.

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The fight happened in an empty playground. The playground had a slide, monkey bars and swings. The Spider Hollow appeared after my character Ichigo beat three waves of weaker hollows.

The Spider Hollow used normal melee attacks and a poison attack. It was also assisted by smaller weaker hollows during the fight. The fight did not last very long though. The Spider Hollow was defeated and the challenge ended.

I was not surprised to witness a very easy boss fight because it was still the start of the game and my character Ichigo was still a low level character. I'm 100% sure the fights will become harder and harder as my character levels up and progress through the game.

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