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2 Battleroyale Matches! 2 Wins! CALL OF DUTY: MOBILE Gameplay on PC!

2 Battleroyale Matches! 2 Wins! CALL OF DUTY: MOBILE Gameplay on PC!
2 Battleroyale Matches! 2 Wins! CALL OF DUTY: MOBILE Gameplay on PC!

In this Call of Duty: Mobile gameplay on PC, I played in 2 Battleroyale matches and WON both of them. I also did it while constantly lagging but then again maybe everyone was lagging in the game.

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The first match was a Battleroyale Classic match. From the plane, I landed somewhere west of the map where an industrial looking area was located. I picked up weapons and a bunch of other items like weapon attachments, healing items, ammunition and others.

I spent most of the match in this location because it was at the center of the first circle until the last one. At the end of the match, I won the match, got a total of 12 eliminations and all of them were eliminations from around the immediate area.

The second match was also a Battleroyale Classic match. Just like in the first match, I landed somewhere west of the map. In fact, I went too far and literally hit the edge of the play map.

Because of my unlucky landing, it took me longer to pick-up a weapon and, when I finally did, I got my first elimination in the match too. After a while, I decided to run east towards the circle because the map was shrinking and I had no choice.

The circle kept moving and I kept moving east towards it picking up items that will improve my currently equipped weapons. At the end of the match, I got the win and defeated 11 players.

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