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City of Heroes Community, Talks N-Word invasion of another City of Heroes Community! • Crazy Gaming News

City of Heroes Community, Talks N-Word invasion of another City of Heroes Community! • Crazy Gaming News

City of Heroes, the Hero MMORPG everyone loves, has a few Private Servers running with hundreds to a few thousand people playing everyday.

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Even though, I have not played City of Heroes on any Private Servers these past few months, I still check the various COH communities in Discord from time to time.

Recently, I stumbled upon something interesting in one City of Heroes Community. Someone mentioned in Discord chat about flooding  another COH Community chat with the N-word.

Why? Well, to prove that the other COH server is really the N-word server. Someone even suggested of having an N-word competition by oneself by setting up multiple accounts on different computers.

Now, I have no idea if anyone in this particular COH Community will actually attempt or try doing this in the other COH Community but, who knows, someone might actually do it.

Anyway, if this crazy talk actually happens then it will obviously result to a ton of new drama between the two City of Heroes Community and I might not have enough popcorn for all of it.

So guys, do you think this crazy talk of flooding the N-word on another City of Heroes community or server will happen? Post your answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.

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