CITADEL FORGED WITH FIRE Gameplay (Hour 2 / Nov. 26, 2019) Working on My NEW HOME!
Another hour spent on a Citadel Forged with Fire ( gameplay. In this hour, I simply continued what I was doing and that was working on my New Home in Ignus.
My new home is on a hill, it's overlooking everything and, because of that, it has an amazing view of the surrounding areas.
I worked on adding a new room, added some decorative lighting in-front of the house and continued on working on the roof.
Of course, I also spent a lot of time gathering resources. Resources like stone, wood and others are important because, without them, there would be nothing to build from.
« About Citadel Forged with Fire »
Citadel: Forged With Fire is a massive online sandbox RPG with elements of magic, spellcasting and inter-kingdom conflict. As a newly minted apprentice of the magic arts, you will set off to investigate the dangerous world of Ignus. Your goal: create a name for yourself and achieve notoriety and power among the land's ruling Houses.
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