AEW DARK Episode 4 (Quick Review) • All Elite Wrestling

AEW or All Elite Wrestling had Episode 4 of AEW DARK and, as always, the one hour show is FREE in YouTube. It was another great show even though it only had three matches.
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This episode of AEW DARK started with a Tag Team match between Dustin Rhodes and Sonny Kiss against QT Marshall and The Librarian Peter Avalon.

It was a good match that lasted around 10 minutes with some comedic elements that made it a fun and enjoyable match to watch. Also, the match showcased a lot of Sonny Kiss and it was ended by Dustin Rhodes by pinning Peter Avalon for the win.
The next match was a Fatal Four Way match involving Penelope Ford, Sadie Gibbs, Allie and Sakura. All four ladies looked really good on television but, except for Sakura, their wrestling was not fun to watch.

The match was around 12 minutes but the performance of the ladies didn't look very polished. It wasn't sloppy but it was also not great because it wasn't flowing very well. The match ended with Sakura winning after pinning Penelope Ford.
The Main Event was a Triple Threat match with Jimmy Havoc, Jack Evans and Darby Allin. This was a great match and this match carried the entire show.
It started like a standard Triple Threat match but, eventually, chairs and tables got involved. The three wrestlers even got the audience involved when they wrestled outside the ring and in the arena.

After around 15 minutes of pain and suffering for all three wrestlers, Darby Allin ended the match with a chair assisted Coffin Drop on Jimmy Havoc, got the pin and got the win.
The opening match was fun to watch, the second match was just okay and the Main Event was great. If I'm going to rate AEW DARK Episode 4 then I'm going to give it a 7/10 because the Main Event really great.
So guys, were you able to watch AEW DARK Episode 4 in YouTube? If you were then how was it? Post your answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.
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