Chateau du Lys Sold for only 2,500 USD valued at $6,080 USD | Shroud of the Avatar News
Another one bites the dust. This time it's the governor of Chateau du Lys. He quit Shroud of the Avatar and sold his town, Chateau du Lys, for only $2,500 which was below it's value of $6,080.
I wouldn't call Chateau du Lys a popular town but it was one of the towns I had a chance of visiting a few times while checking for Player Vendors.
Chateau du Lys was an island town located east of Hidden Vale and south of Kingsport. Finding and getting there was easy, all you had to do was travel south along the coast from Kingsport.
From what I could remember, Chateau du Lys was a very well decorated player owned town.. The lot placements were well organized and the town had a very nice yet simple layout.
Unfortunately, when I went back to Chateau du Lys to have one last look, all I found was an empty and desolate place bordered by a wall with a single house not too far from the town's gate.
With so many ghost player owned towns in Shroud of the Avatar, are they fated to end up like Chateau du Lys in the near future, sold way below it's value.
So guys, do any of you own an abandoned player owned town in Shroud of the Avatar? If you do then can I buy it for a dollar? Post your answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.
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