Zeus Begins, a Classic Beat'em Up Game with 16 Bit Graphics

Zeus Begins is a 16-bit / retro-style beat’em up game set in ancient Greece, inspired by classic arcade games of the 80´s such as Double Dragon and Golden Axe.
In Zeus Begins, you will control a Young Zeus and you must help him cross Greece to reach Olympus so he can fight his father Cronus. In this difficult journey, you will fight various mythological creatures like the Medusa and overcome obstacles and dangers along the way.
Zeus Begins features a classic beat'em up style of gameplay, 16 bit graphics, music and sounds, final bosses, shoot'em up bonus levels, unique enemies per level and the desire to play on a gamepad because it's easier than playing on a keyboard.
I requested a free Steam Key for Zeus Begins and the developer, The Dude Games, sent me one (thank you for the Steam Key) but I have yet to play the game because there is still an embargo.
Once the embargo is lifted, I will immediately play Zeus Begins and Livestream myself playing the game on my gameplay channel here in YouTube, Twitch, Mixer, Smashcast, Periscope, DLive, Facebook, Steam and even in SteamCraft.
For now, you can check out Zeus Begins in Steam, learn more about the game and if you like what you see and you think it's an interesting game then how about adding the game in your Steam Wishlist.
So guys, do you find 16 bit or retro style beat'em up games from the 80's interesting to play or is it just a waste of your most precious time? Post your answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.
Check out Zeus Begins in Steam:
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FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.
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