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APEX LEGENDS NEWS! Not Working SSSE3 Fixes, Battle Pass Delayed & 10 Leaked Characters

APEX LEGENDS NEWS! Not Working SSSE3 Fixes, Battle Pass Delayed & 10 Leaked Characters

SSSE3 fixes don't work, Battle Pass is delayed and 10 leaked characters. All of that in today's Apex Legends News!


Apex Legends, from what I've read, heard and seen, is an amazing Battle Royale game but it has one major flaw. The game doesn't like old computers specially those that don't support the SSSE3 instructions.

If your computer is running on an AMD Phenom processor or older then you are not playing Apex Legends any time soon. Unless, you spend some money upgrading your machine.

Recently, I came upon a couple of stories and, even a few YouTube videos, about fixing the unsupported processor error message or "CPU has no SSSE3".

Unfortunately, the fixes listed in the stories and YouTube videos don't work based on the comments posted specially on the YouTube videos.

If you would still like to give the fixes a try then a link to one of the stories about the fixes for the CPU has no SSSE3 error message is in the description of this video.


Yesterday, all my troubles seem so far away. There was a story about 5 leaked Apex Legends characters. Today, that number has grown to 10 leaked characters.

Based on the tweet shared in GamesRadar, someone datamined Apex Legends and found 10 new characters. These 10 new characters were eventually leaked to everyone via Twitter.

Unfortunately, all of these 10 leaked characters were all unconfirmed and according to Respawn Entertainment and I quote, "Finding this stuff by no means confirms that it’ll ever come out. At best you should treat any posts about this as a rumor and the real info will come from us when we’re ready to show off what’s coming next."


Apex Legends players are looking forward to what is called the Battle Pass. It's a system that rewards players for actively playing the game. If I'm not mistaken, the more you level up, the more rewards you'll get every Battle Pass Season.

Sadly, a Respawn Entertainment Community Manager in Reddit posted and said the Battle Pass for Apex Legends was not coming on the date leaked by Apex Legends leakers.

So guys, did the fixes for the CPU has no SSSE3 error worked for you? Are we going to see any of the leaked 10 new characters for Apex Legends? When do you think Respawn Entertainment will add the first Battle Pass Season in Apex Legends? Post your answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.

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