Apex Legends Streamer Mode • Stream Sniping, Why Fortnite Streamers Are Switching
Apex Legends Streamer Mode can it really stop Stream Sniping? It anonymizes the names of players but it still shows the name of the Livestreamer.
Also, according to a Tfue of Faze Clan, Fortnite Livestreamers are switching to Apex Legends because of Stream Snipers.
Honestly, I think this so called Streamer Mode will not really stop Stream Sniping. As long as viewers can see the Livestreamer's name, other players can find them in the game they're and kill them or troll them.
• Apex Legends Streamer Mode by Kevintendo (https://t.co/iUR782aYjQ)
• Stream Sniping at Urbandictionary (https://t.co/SkxbfE59oC)
• Apex Legends Story at Dexerto (https://t.co/FLGKlkbstF)
• Trymacs in Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/trymacs)
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