Counter-Strike Global Offensive Danger Zone! CSGO Free2Play!

Counter-Strike Global Offensive Danger Zone! CSGO Free2Play!
Counter-Strike Global Offensive now has a Battle Royale mode and it's called Danger Zone! Also, CSGO is now #Free2Play or Free-To-Play (however you want to spell it, LOL!).#Counter-Strike Global Offensive #DangerZone or simply #CSGO Danger Zone is not a 100 player Battle Royale game. When I played it earlier today, the match happened in a small island with a total of 16 players.
Players were also transported to the island but not by a plane. They were transported by a helicopter. Players also did not jump off the helicopters. They were lowered down by a rope at the area they selected on the map.
Now, just like a #BattleRoyale game, players picked up items like weapons, cash, armor and others scattered all over the place. Many items were inside colored boxes.
Players also can buy items from their Tablet. As long as players have cash, they can buy any items available in their Tablet and the items were delivered to players by drones.
There was also the shrinking zone mechanic called the Danger Zone and it will damage any player caught in it.
Of course, to survive the Danger Zone, players must beat the other players. Sadly, in all the matches I played today, the highest place I got was SECOND PLACE!
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