Avengers 4 Endgame Trailer just got released. I was working on another video's information when I saw an update in Marvel Entertainment's YouTube Channel.They released Avengers 4 newest and latest trailer and the title of #Avengers 4 is #ENDGAME!
I know this is a gaming related channel but it's the Avengers 4 Endgame #Trailer. I just have to do a reaction, if you can call that a reaction. LOL!
My son was playing League of Legends. I asked if he wanted to see the Avengers 4 Trailer. He left his League of Legends game and watched the trailer with but you wont see him in the video. LOL!
This #Avengers4Endgame Trailer is not an action packed trailer. This has a sadder, somber and more emotional feel to it. Of course, half the population in the entire universe got dusted by #Thanos.
Also, clint aka #Hawkeye is in this trailer and he has a new outfit and it reminded me of Robin Hood or the Green Arrow from the Arrowverse.
Anyway, trailer or no trailer. We are already all in. We are going to see #Avengers4 Endgame regardless.
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