Ashes of Creation APOCALYPSE Open Beta • A Battle Royale

Ashes of Creation APOCALYPSE Open Beta • A Battle Royale
Ashes of Creation Apocalypse is a Battle Royale. A medieval / fantasy Battle Royale game.Instead of modern weapons, Ashes of Creation Apocalypse has medieval weapons like bows, swords, maces, axes and others.
In my first few Ashes of Creation Apocalypse solo battle royale matches, I was able to play not so decently but I did have a lot of fun playing.
I also noticed that my video card was working a little bit extra harder with Ashes of Creation Apocalypse. My video card is a GTX 1050 and I do have a low end computer.
I guess, those with a more powerful computer will not have any problems running the game at decent or even high graphics setting.
My graphics settings were set to low for better performance.
Anyway, Ashes of Creation Apocalypse is currently in Open Beta and it's free-to-play. Create a free account at and, if you like, please use my Affiliate Code below. Thank you.
My Affiliate Code → fbbd225a-d78f-4d90-b6fa-e40584dd5135
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