Second Life Wrestling • VAW TURBULENCE: RELOADED (11.8.2018) • WIN, LOSE or DRAW
Second Life Wrestling • VAW TURBULENCE: RELOADED (11.8.2018) • WIN, LOSE or DRAW
VAW Turbulence: Reloaded is a free-to-watch Second Life Wrestling show presented by Virtual Attitude Wrestling In Second Life.Today's VAW Turbulence: Reloaded featured matches from the following wrestlers: Johnny Bower, Stone, Mike Romo, Eli Ashton, Regina Blake and Carmen.
The show started with a match between Johnny Bower and Stone. If my memory is correct, it was my first time seeing these two wrestlers in VAW. Also, for some reason, I felt the match ended rather quickly.
Next match was between, Mike Romo and Eli Ashton. It was also my first time seeing Eli Ashton in the ring. Eli Ashton is a very big guy and he likes to flex his arm muscles and, like Mike Romo, he uses a Classic Avatar Body.
The main event of the night was a match between Regina Blake and Carmen. I'm not familiar with Regina Blake but I've seen Carmen many times in VAW.
As for the match, it was the longest match of the night and it was also the best one. I can't tell you exactly why but it was the one a really enjoyed watching.
Anyway, watch the entire video to learn more details about the matches and, next time, don't forget to watch VAW Turbulence: Reloaded LIVE in Second Life (or in this channel).
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