Second Life Jousting • RENAISSANCE ISLAND JOUST (11.8.2018) • Water Horse + Dragon Lance?

Second Life Jousting • RENAISSANCE ISLAND JOUST (11.8.2018) • Water Horse + Dragon Lance?
Renaissance Island Joust is a Second Life Jousting Tournament hosted by Renaissance Island in Second Life.Today in Renaissance Island Joust, jousters or participants were required to use a Water Horse. Last time I checked, a Water Horse cost 4000L$. It's not a cheap horse but it does have very smooth and nice animations.
For the jousting tournament in Renaissance Island, a couple of jousters appeared to participate. Sadly, the jousting tournament was called off and the two jousters just used the jousting list to do some jousting practice.

Also, I believe the two jousters were using the Dragon Lance based on how it looks and how the scores were announced but I could be entirely wrong about it. LOL!
Anyway, visit Renaissance Island in Second Life and participate in Renaissance Islands weekly jousting tournament.
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