Second Life Wrestling • VAW ELITE (11.10.2018) BACK TURNED

Second Life Wrestling • VAW ELITE (11.10.2018) BACK TURNED
VAW Elite is a free-to-watch Second Life Wrestling show / event presented by Virtual Attitude Wrestling in Second Life. Follow VAW Wrestling in Twitter at to learn more about VAW.In this week's VAW Elite, the theme of the matches seemed to have something to do with "turning your backs against your opponents". It happened in all the matches and costed a couple of wrestlers the victory.
Moving forward, the first match was between Gina Rose and Rein. It was a quick match but there were some great moments in the match that made it fun to watch.

The second match was between Malaki and Kairee Paramour. There were a few awkward looking moments in this match because of the animation but overall it was another fun watch.

In the third match, it was a battle between Victory and Alyce accompanied by Skillex. Victory had some big moves in this match while Alyce enjoyed playing with the crowd.

The final match and main event of this week's VAW Elite was a match between Skillex and Nick Casavantes. This was a great match with Nick Casavantes' high flying high ricks maneuvers.

To find out more details and who won in all the matches, watch my full video of this week's VAW Elite presented by Virtual Attitude Wrestling in Second Life.
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