Play King Of Avalon: Dragon Warfare On Your PC For FREE With Bluestacks 4!

Play King Of Avalon: Dragon Warfare On Your PC For FREE With Bluestacks 4!
King of Avalon: Dragon Warfare is a free-to-play strategy / city building mobile game but, even though King of Avalon: Dragon Warfare is a mobile game, you can also play and enjoy King of Avalon on your PC using an Android Emulator like Bluestacks 4.
To start playing King of Avalon: Dragon Warfare on your PC, you must first download and install Bluestacks 4. Bluestacks 4 is the latest version of Bluestacks and it's a whole lot faster and better than Bluestacks 3. You can download Bluestacks 4 at
After downloading, installing and running Bluestacks 4, you will find King of Avalon: Dragon Warfare by searching for it using Bluestacks 4 search feature. You can also find it by searching for it in Google Playstore or from Bluestacks 4 App Center.

From Google Playstore, installing King of Avalon: Dragon Warfare is just a matter of clicking on the Install button and waiting for the installation process to finish. Fortunately, waiting for the installation process is rather a very quick one and, that means, you will not wait very long before you can play King of Avalon: Dragon Warfare.
After downloading and installing King of Avalon: Dragon Warfare from Google Playstore in your copy of Bluestacks 4, you can immediately start playing by clicking on the green Open button. You can also go back to Bluestacks 4 home screen and double click on the icon of King of Avalon: Dragon Warfare to start the game.

Now, the first time you play King of Avalon: Dragon Warfare, you will start on a big battle and this battle is between Mordred and King Arthur. Because Mordred refused to surrender, King Arthur had no choice but to attack Mordred.
King Arthur rallied an army of 1 million five hundred units (1,5000,000) to attack Mordred and he was also joined by a powerful Knight, Sir Percival. You will join this mega powerful army and, together with King Arthur and Sir Percival, you will assault Mordred's castle.
Of course, you don't really need to go through all that. If you want then you can click on the Skip button to move forward to the actual game. I guess, all you need to learn from the big mega battle between King Arthur and Mordred is that King Arthur died in the battle.
In the actual game, a Witch looking lady will appear and this Witch looking lady will explain how to play the game to you. Well, she will not really explain everything but she will give you information you will need to get started and even show you what to do in the early stages of the game.
Also, at the very start of the game, the Witch looking lady will give you a Dragon Egg. The Dragon Egg will hatch in less than an hour. I guess, it wouldn't be called King of Avalon: Dragon Warfare if there were no Dragons in the game, right? LOL!
After giving you the really big Dragon Egg, the Witch looking lady will tell you to get started working on your City. She will tell you to build a Sawmill so you can produce your own wood.
At this moment, the game is on Tutorial Mode. I don't really know what it's called so I'll just call it Tutorial Mode. In Tutorial Mode, the Witch looking lady will tell you to do something and the game will guide you around with a Sword. This particular Sword in Tutorial Mode will act like an Arrow and will directly point you where to go and what to do.
You will not be able to do anything else except follow the Sword while in Tutorial Mode or while Tutorial Mode is active. In fact, I tried clicking on other parts of the screen but the screen or the game King of Avalon: Dragon Warfare wouldn't respond to all my clicking. LOL!
Back to the game, building a Sawmill is very easy. You will just have to click on the empty lot under the Arrow Sword. This will open a window with structures you can build at the bottom. You will see the Sawmill is already highlighted so the next thing you need to do is just click on the big blue Select button.
You will notice the Sword is pointing on the Select button. I guess, it's the game's way of not letting you miss anything but, then again, how can you miss that big blue Select button. I don't think it's even possible to miss such a very prominent thing on screen. LOL!
After clicking the big blue Select button, you will then have to click on the also big blue Build button. The Build button will also show you how much time it will take to build a structure which in this case is the Sawmill. It will only take the game, King of Avalon: Dragon Warfare, three seconds to build the Sawmill.
What! You think building the Sawmill was too FAST? Well, it's only fast because you are just building a Level 1 Sawmill. The time to build will get longer and longer as you keep upgrading or leveling up the Sawmill.
After building a Sawmill, the Witch looking lady will appear again and this time she will ask you to build a Barracks. She also tells you that it will take more than wood and a pet lizard to become a King. With a Barracks, you will have a place to train your Infantry.
The process of building an Infantry is exactly the same as building a Sawmill. The Sword will point you to an empty lot space, you click on the empty lot to open a window, in the window the Barracks is highlighted, you click on the big blue Select button, lick on the Build button to build the Barracks and, just like the Sawmill, it will only take three seconds to build the Barracks.
After doing all that, the Witch looking lady will appear once again and she will tell you to build a Farm to produce crops. Why? Because hungry soldier will not be able to fight. They will not even be able to move around if they are super hungry.
Just like with building a Sawmill and a Barracks, the process of building a Farm is very much the same. Just do what you did in the previous two buildings and you will have a Farm in just a matter of seconds. Three seconds to be accurate. LOL!
After building a Farm, the Witch looking lady will tell you to do something different. Instead of building a Structure like a Farm or a Sawmill or a Barracks, she will tell you to build your Army.
The Sword that acts like an arrow will immediately move above the Barracks. You must click on the Barracks to open up it's menu and, from the list of choices, you must click on Train. Clicking on Train will open a window and at the bottom of the window are different kinds of Pikemen but most of them are inactive except for one which is already highlighted. You must then click on the Train button to train 20 units and the training process will take six minutes.
After that, the Witch looking lady will appear again but this time she will just tell you to follow her TIPS to quickly develop your City step by step. Also, Tutorial Mode will deactivate and that means you will be able to do what you want without the Sword forcing you. From this point, the real game, King of Avalon: Dragon Warfare really and finally starts.
Of course, the Sword will still appear whenever you want to do a Quest or follow the Tips but it will no longer lock everything on your screen. It will just act like an optional pointer or guide that you can choose to follow or not.
Also, the Witch looking lady is not going away either. She will still appear whenever she has an important information to share with you like the benefits of upgrading a certain building and others. In other words, she will now act like someone who is there to give you a friendly reminder from time to time or when there is something really important that you need to know.
In any case, King of Avalon: Dragon Warfare is a really easy and fun game to play specially during the early stages of the game. As you progress through the game, it will become more challenging and you will have to spend more time on your City to be competitive.
Remember, King of Avalon: Dragon Warfare is a multiplayer online game and that means you are playing with other players. These other players can be your Ally or they can be your enemies. If they are your Allies then they will help you grow your City but if they are your enemies then they will help you destroy the City you spent time to build.
Now, if you wish to see what the early stages of the game, King of Avalon: Dragon Warfare looks like then why not check out my gameplay video in my YouTube channel.
CLICK HERE to play King Of Avalon: Dragon Warfare On Your PC For FREE with Bluestacks 4!
FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.
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