Shroud Of The Avatar Is Now FREE-To-Play
Shroud Of The Avatar Is Now FREE-To-Play
Well, I guess the title says everything. Richard Garriott's Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues is now completely and absolutely Free-To-Play.As posted in Shroud of the Avatar's Release 59 Instructions in the forums and I quote, "Free Play: We have removed the previous gameplay restrictions of story, trade and lot ownership from our free players. Now free players can trade with other players, own land, and play through the entire story! This means that you no longer need to make a purchase to have the real Shroud of the Avatar experience!"
Before, you'll have to spend $40 US Dollars for the priviledge of playing Shroud of the Avatar. Now, all you need to do is create a Free Shroud of the Avatar account, download, install and play the game.
Free-To-Play players will still have to spend at least $1 US Dollar if they want to post in the forums. This $1 US Dollar is the cost of the Universal Chat Orb when on sale or simply buy anything from the Add-On Store.
Of course, posting in the Forums is not required to play or enjoy Shroud of the Avatar and that means you don't really need to spend anything now that Shroud of the Avatar is completely Free-To-Play.
In fact, instead of spending money on Shroud of the Avatar, you can try making money from it by selling resources, rares and even game gold to other players.
Anyway, if you haven't played Shroud of the Avatar before and you're interested in giving it a try just once then now is the perfect time to do so.
You can create your Free Shroud of the Avatar account and download the game by going to Shroud of the Avatar's official website.
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