VAW ELITE In Second Life (9.29.2018) • Disliked? Please Post WHY In The Comments Section! Thanks!

VAW ELITE In Second Life (9.29.2018) • Disliked? Please Post WHY In The Comments Section! Thanks!
VAW ELITE, a pro-wrestling show in Second Life presented by Virtual Attitude Wrestling.
The show started with an appearance by Phil the Grave Bowler. He had a very dark entrance but he was put down by Jay Alexander Frost.
#NowWatching VAW ELITE In Second Life (9.29.2018)— KABALYERO (@kabalyero) September 30, 2018
Join @SecondLife FREE ( #freedomfamily #gaming #secondlife #prowrestling @vawwrestling
It was followed with a match between Alyce and Gina Rose. It was a somewhat brutal match that went on even after the match ended. Who won the match? Watch the video to find out!
#NowWatching VAW ELITE In Second Life (9.29.2018)— KABALYERO (@kabalyero) September 30, 2018
Join @SecondLife FREE ( #freedomfamily #gaming #secondlife #prowrestling @vawwrestling
The next match was a Six Man Tag Team match between Light and Dark. Two teams composed of Pasta Lopez, Kian "Late Night" Brady and Bert "Turbo" O'Neil and Nick Cervantes, Kailen Dontei Bourne and Kairee Paramour. Which team came out on top? Watch the video to find out! LOL!
#NowWatching VAW ELITE In Second Life (9.29.2018)— KABALYERO (@kabalyero) September 30, 2018
Join @SecondLife FREE ( #freedomfamily #gaming #secondlife #prowrestling @vawwrestling
Also, at the end of the show, a fan or one of the audience or spectators jumped the barricade. Why did he do that? I have no idea but that was not very nice.
a#NowWatching VAW ELITE In Second Life (9.29.2018)— KABALYERO (@kabalyero) September 30, 2018
Join @SecondLife FREE ( #freedomfamily #gaming #secondlife #prowrestling @vawwrestling
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