Extremely LOW Spawn and Re-Spawn In Elysium and Spectral Mines

Extremely LOW Spawn and Re-Spawn In Elysium and Spectral Mines
Last night, my time, I found ZERO gold ores in the third level of Graff Gem Mines. I fought Earth Elementals and mined some Crystals yet NO gold ores spawned.This time, I went to Elysium Mines and Spectral Mines and I found out that the situation is a bit better because there were, at least, a very few number of silver and iron ores spawned in the mines.
Obviously, it was not the same as before Release 58. The number of spawns in both mines are very very low and the spawn rate is also very very low.
Hopefully, this very very low spawn and spawn rate is a bug and not an intended change to the number of ores spawning in the mines.
Anyway, as someone who spends a ton of time mining, this very very low spawn and spawn rate is seriously affecting my time in-game.
I guess, for now, I'll do something else like maybe gathering Beetle Carapaces and Suets.
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