Getting Traffic From REDDIT And Shroud Of The Avatar STEAM Keys

Getting Traffic From REDDIT And Shroud Of The Avatar STEAM Keys
As a small Blogger and a small YouTuber, getting views to my videos or any traffic to my blog is not a very easy thing to do.Even with sharing everything I post to my Reddit, Twitter, Facebook and other Social Media accounts, getting any kind of views or traffic is not a guarantee.
Now, speaking of Reddit, I've gotten a few views from Reddit this week. This is surprising because I don't usually get views from Reddit.
It seems that some people have shared a post I've published on my blog in Reddit and I'm getting views or traffic from it.
Unfortunately, these Reddit people are using my post in a bad way. For example, one person is claiming that I received Shroud of the Avatar Steam Keys from the developers.

Sadly for them, I've never asked for any Shroud of the Avatar Steam Keys nor have I received any Shroud of the Avatar Steam Keys from the developers of the game.
This just shows you how and why you can't trust these people. They like to make up stories by assuming things and they don't care if its true or not as long as it makes them feel good about themselves.
In any case, I'm not really complaining. They can share my post or blog anywhere in the internet because, at the end of the day, they are helping me get more traffic or views.
I just wish they don't make up stories by assuming things but, then again, this is the real world and, in the real world, wishes don't usually come true.
Anyway guys, are any of you a blogger or a YouTuber? If you are then are you getting any traffic or views from Reddit? Please post your answers, comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.
FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.
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