Where To Buy R52 Raffle Tickets In Shroud Of The Avatar

Where To Buy R52 Raffle Tickets In Shroud Of The Avatar
By Kabalyero KiddWhere are the NPC Merchants that sell houses in Shroud of the Avatar? Where can I find them and what are they called in-game?
There are a few ways of getting or buying a house in Shroud of the Avatar and one of the easiest and cheapest way of getting a house is by buying from an NPC Merchant.
You will find these NPC Merchants in the second floor of Banker NPC Buildings in all NPC Towns and Player Run Towns. The name of these NPC Merchants is Housing Deeds Merchant.
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These Housing Deeds Merchants will sell you different kinds of houses like Row Houses, Village Houses and even a Town House and it will only cost you 10,000 to 40,000 game gold.
By the way, buying or having a house is just part of owning a property in Shroud of the Avatar. You will still need to get or buy a Lot Deed and use the Lot Deed to claim an available lot in a town.
Anyway guys, if you have any comments, questions or reactions then please post them in the comments section below and, as always, if you are lagging badly in Shroud of the Avatar or in any online games then I suggest you try using WTFast.
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