Getting Some Game Gold As A New Outlander In Shroud Of The Avatar

Getting Some Game Gold As A New Outlander In Shroud Of The Avatar
By Kabalyero Kidd------------------------------
A long time ago in a catacomb not so far away, I remember getting 922 game gold in 14 minutes.
I'm not sure if other Outlanders are getting more or less but the catacombs in Soltown was my main source of game gold when I was still a new Outlander.
The catacombs in Soltown is located South West of town and it's appropriately called Soltown Catacombs.
To get there, follow the path South and, from the Master Range Trainer NPC, turn to the right and continue following the path until you reach a graveyard where the entrance to the catacombs is located.
Recently, I went to Soltown Catacombs using a new Outlander and I was able to get 790 game gold in, more or less, 10 minutes.
I'm not sure if 790 game gold in 10 minutes is good or bad but I think for new Outlanders in New Britannia 790 game gold in 10 minutes is good enough to get them started.
Of course, there are other low level adventure areas around Perennial Coast where a new Outlander can acquire game gold by killing and looting mobs but for me Soltown Catacombs remains a very good source of game gold for new Outlanders.
Eventually, new Outlanders will get more game gold as they continue with their adventures and from participating in the in-game economy through buying and selling various kinds of things to other Outlanders in New Britannia.
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