Monster Hunter World Trolls Players With A 70K USD Real Life Monster Hunt
Monster Hunter World Trolls Players With A 70K USD Real Life Monster Hunt
Are Monsters real? Well, Monster Hunter World thinks they are and they will give you $70 thousand US Dollars if you can find one.Obviously, this Real Life Monster Hunt by Monster Hunter World is basically a marketing gimmick to promote and celebrate the launch of the game.
Offering a $70 thousand US Dollar reward for something almost impossible to prove is an amazing way of getting players excited for the game. It's almost like Monster Hunter World is trolling them.
Now, even though, proving monsters exist is an almost impossible task, I am very open to the idea of searching for evidences because if they can find proof of their existence then that would be very interesting.
Anyway guys, if you think you can find proof or evidence of real life monsters existing in our world today then go ahead and start searching because at the end of your search is a possible reward of $70 thousand US dollars.
So, is Monster Hunter World serious about searching for monsters? Will someone take home that $70 thousand US dollar reward?
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