Virtue Miner's Helmet, Light Spell Required • Shroud of the Avatar Release 44

Virtue Miner's Helmet, Light Spell Required • Shroud of the Avatar Release 44
Today, as part of Shroud of the Avatar's Release 44, I received my Virtue Miner's Helmet. This Virtue Miner's Helmet or Hat is a reward to those who spent at least $5 dollars in the Add-On Store during the Summer 2017 Telethon Part 1.The Virtue Miner's Helmet is a very interesting looking hat. It has a domed shaped design, a metallic finish and a small mechanism in-front that works like a modern flashlight. It also has the virtue symbol at the back of the hat.
Now, the only thing I didn't like about the Virtue Miner's Helmet is the light itself. Like a modern flashlight, the light of the Virtue Miner's Helmet shines in one direction which is the front of the hat and that leaves everything else dark. I still have to use or cast a Light spell to illuminate the surrounding area.
Anyway, even with its minor flaw, the Virtue Miner's Helmet, for me, is still a very good reward item because it perfectly matches what I do in Shroud of the Avatar everyday and that is mining.
With the Virtue Miner's Helmet, I now look and feel like a true miner whenever I'm mining in New Britannia.
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