Soryn Fields, Town Crafting Inn, Free Rooms For Avatars 🏠 SotA Hotels & Inns

Soryn Fields, Town Crafting Inn, Free Rooms For Avatars 🏠 SotA Hotels & Inns
Room Rental is here and that means Avatars who have yet to get their own properties in New Britannia will now have a place they can call their own even though it's just a small room in another Avatar's house or inn.In the player owned town of Soryn Fields, an inn called the Town Crafting Inn was recently constructed right in the heart of town and, now, the inn is offering Free Rooms to Avatars who have yet to get their own homes.
Because the Town Crafting Inn is right in the heart of Soryn Fields, the inn is right next to all the NPC Merchants. It's also right next to the Market Area where all the Player Vendors are located.
For Avatars who enjoys crafting, the first floor of the Town Crafting Inn houses all the Crafting Stations in the game and that is also the reason why the inn is called Town Crafting Inn.
By the way, the town or player owned town of Soryn Fields is just a few steps away from the NPC Town of Resolute on the Overworld Map and there is a Wagon in town that will directly take anyone to Resolute.
So, if you are an Avatar who started in the Path of Courage and who have yet to get your own home in New Britannia then why not request a Free Room in Soryn Field's Town Crafting Inn.
Currently, the Town Crafting Inn in Soryn Fields has a total of 15 available rooms and you can rent any one of them for FREE. All you have to do is send an in-game mail or message with your request to Kabalyero Kidd, that's me, and I will message you back as soon as I can.
Again, Soryn Fields is located right next to the NPC Town of Resolute and, to help you find Soryn Fields, I suggest that you use
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