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Gold Crowns of the Obsidians, 2400 - 3000 Game Gold Per gCOTO (7/22/2017) • Shroud of the Avatar Market Watch

Gold Crowns of the Obsidians, 2400 - 3000 Game Gold Per gCOTO (7/22/2017) • Shroud of the Avatar Market Watch

Gold Crowns of the Obsidians, 2400 - 3000 Game Gold Per gCOTO (7/22/2017) • Shroud of the Avatar Market Watch

gCOTO or Gold Crowns of the Obsidian is like a premium currency in Shroud of the Avatar. Unlike Game Gold, a GCOTO is mostly acquired from the Add-On Store.

Yes, a gCOTO can sometimes drop as a loot in the game but the chances of that happening is extremely rare. In fact, I have not looted a gCOTO in months and that's how freaking rare it is.

Recently, I was in the towns of New Britannian Market, Owl's Head and Kingsport and I was able to check a few Player Vendors that sell gCOTOs. The prices of gCOTOs from these few player vendors ranged from 2400 to 3000 Game Gold per gCOTO.

In previous days or weeks, the price of gCOTO was as low as 2100 Game Gold per gCOTO but, unfortunately, it has increased by 300 Game Gold since then.

Again, this is just based on the few player vendors that I checked in Owl's Head, Kingsport and New Britannian Market. I'm sure there are still gCOTOs selling at 2100 Game Gold out there.

Anyway, I do remember Chris Spears saying that he will increase the drop rate of gCOTO if the price averages over 2000 Game Gold but I have not seen that happened yet.

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