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Where To Get A Cloak In Shroud Of The Avatar?

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Where To Get A Cloak In Shroud Of The Avatar?

As a discounted minimum backer of Shroud of the Avatar, I basically only have access to the game. I don't have many of the perks available to regular backers or those who spent hundreds, and even thousands, of US dollars.

Where To Get A Cloak In Shroud Of The Avatar?

Fortunately, I don't really care about all those crap like housing, lots and others. The only thing I care about is playing and enjoying the game but I do want to get, at least, a cloak or a cape or whatever it's called in the game.

The good news is, a Generic Cloak is in the game and it's available to everyone for only 100 Gold. If you don't have a cloak in your pledge or backer account then you only need 100 Gold to get one in the game.

Now, I believe there are two places in the game where you can get this Generic Cloak for 100 Gold and one of these places is the City of Ardoris, Southeast of Novia.

So, if you are anywhere near Ardoris and you want to get a Cloak then just go to Ardoris, enter the City of Ardoris, talk to Marshall the Boatman, go to Sequanna Square, find the Tailor Shop, talk to Christoph Schneider and buy yourself a Generic Cloak or simply a Cloak for 100 Gold.

Where To Get A Cloak In Shroud Of The Avatar?

Where To Get A Cloak In Shroud Of The Avatar?

Where To Get A Cloak In Shroud Of The Avatar?

Where To Get A Cloak In Shroud Of The Avatar?

Where To Get A Cloak In Shroud Of The Avatar?

With this Cloak, your Avatar and my Avatar now look more like Avatars in Shroud of the Avatar. Of course, the Generic Cloak doesn't have any symbol on it and it also doesn't have any Special Abilities but, for me, it doesn't matter.

So, were you able to get yourself a Cloak in Shroud of the Avatar? Post your answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.

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