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Shroud Of The Avatar System Requirements, 8 GB RAM ★ Playing With Only 6 GB RAM T_T

Shroud Of The Avatar System Requirements, 8 GB RAM ★ Playing With Only 6 GB RAM T_T

Shroud Of The Avatar System Requirements, 8 GB RAM ★ Playing With Only 6 GB RAM T_T

These past couple of weeks, the only game I was playing every day was Shroud of the Avatar and nothing else. As you can see, I have not created nor uploaded a video in two weeks but I digress.

Now, even though I've been playing Shroud of the Avatar a lot these past two weeks, I just found out that my computer's RAM is below Shroud of the Avatar's Minimum System Requirements.

Currently, Shroud of the Avatar has a Minimum Requirement of 8 GB RAM but my computer only has 6 GB RAM. Fortunately, even with only 6 GB RAM, I'm still able to play Shroud of the Avatar with very few problems.

Obviously, I'm playing Shroud of the Avatar in the Fastest Graphics Setting but it doesn't really matter that much to me because Shroud of the Avatar still looks decent.

Honestly, if I can further lower my graphics setting then I would immediately do it because I feel that the Fastest Graphics Setting is still quite high for my computer.

Anyway, I'm just happy that I'm still able to play Shroud of the Avatar on my computer with only 6 GB RAM. Now, upgrading it to 8 GB RAM is just a matter of having some extra cash to spend on the upgrade which unfortunately I don't have.

So, are you able to play Shroud of the Avatar with your below minimum system requirement computer? Post your answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.

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