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SoTA Fishing ★ Where To Buy A Fishing Rod ★ Shroud Of The Avatar Release 32

SoTA Fishing ★ Where To Buy A Fishing Rod ★ Shroud Of The Avatar Release 32

Hey guys! My name is Kabalyero and, recently, I've been playing Shroud of the Avatar a lot. Now, one of the things I like to do in a game is fish and, in Shroud of the Avatar, I started by buying a Fishing Rod.

SoTA Fishing ★ Where To Buy A Fishing Rod ★ Shroud Of The Avatar Release 32

Fishing in Shroud of the Avatar is very simple and it will take you only a few minutes to get started, if you know how.

In my case, it took me a very long time to get started because I didn't know where to get the things needed to fish in Shroud of the Avatar.

I didn't know where to get the Fishing Gathering Skill, I didn't know where to get the Fishing Rod and I didn't know where to get the worms or bait needed to fish.

Now, not knowing any of these requirements didn't stop me from wanting to fish and I started by getting a Fishing Rod but, the question is, where did I get a Fishing Rod?

Well, the answer to that question is simple, I got my Fishing Rod from a Crafting Supplies Merchant and you can easily find one in the City of Ardoris.

I got my Fishing Rod from a Crafting Supplies Merchant and you can easily find one in the City of Ardoris

There is a Crafting Supplies Merchant named Chip Leland at the Crafting Pavillion in Ardoris but I believe you can get one from any Crafting Supplies Merchant in Novia.

As for Chip Leland, the last time I checked, buying a Fishing Rod from him will cost you 80 gold which is very affordable.

Now, if you don't have any gold then go out of town, kill a few skeletons, loot their bodies and come back to buy the Fishing Rod.

So, for those who are still watching this video, did you have a hard time finding where to buy a Fishing Rod in Shroud of the Avatar?

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