4 Minutes To Enter Ardoris In Multiplayer Online Mode ★ Shroud Of The Avatar Release 32
4 Minutes To Enter Ardoris In Multiplayer Online Mode ★ Shroud Of The Avatar Release 32
Hey guys! My name is Kabalyero and, recently, I've been playing Shroud of the Avatar a lot. Now, one of the things I don't like in the game is the amount of time it takes to enter a scene.Loading screens are nothing new. In fact, many games have loading screens but, for some reason, Shroud of the Avatar's loading screen takes a lot of time loading the next scene.
For example, I recently recorded the amount of time it took me to enter Ardoris from the Overland Map in Multiplayer Online Mode and it was around 4 minutes.
I'm not sure why it's taking the game that long to transition between scenes but it's definitely annoying because the game is entirely made up of scenes and that means a lot of time wasted just waiting instead of playing.
Anyway, I'm sure not everyone that plays Shroud of the Avatar has this problem but, for those who do experience this, like me, it would be really, really awesome, if the developers could get it down to maybe a minute.
So, for are you guys spending a lot of time just looking at the loading screen of Shroud of the Avatar? Post your answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.
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