SotA Fishing • Where To Buy Fishing Bait In Shroud Of The Avatar Release 32
SotA Fishing • Where To Buy Fishing Bait In Shroud Of The Avatar Release 32
Hey guys! My name is Kabalyero and one of the things that took me a long time to find in Shroud of the Avatar is Fishing Bait.I absolutely enjoy fishing in Shroud of the Avatar. It may not have the most complex fishing mechanics found in any MMORPGs but it's simplicity is what I like most about fishing in Shroud of the Avatar.
Okay so, after buying a Fishing Rod and learning the required Fishing Gathering Skill, the next thing I did is find or buy some Fishing Bait but finding where to buy it took me a long time.
I kept looking for Fishing Bait when, in fact, I should have been looking for Worms. Why I was looking for Fishing Bait? I guess because it was just the natural thing to look for when wanting to fish.
Fortunately, worms came into the picture and I was able to find and buy some from the Crafting Supplies Merchant in Ardoris and his name is Chip Leland.

I'm not sure if all Crafting Supplies Merchant in New Britannia sells Worms but if you are in Ardoris then you can buy some from Chip Leland and you will find him at the Crafting Pavillion.
After getting or buying some worms, I went to the river near the main entrance of Ardoris and did some fishing where I caught two types of fish, a Salmon and a Bass.
So, are you guys enjoying fishing in Shroud of the Avatar? Post your answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.
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