Playing With Super Players Is Not A Lot Of Fun In Special Force 2 SEA (Gamer's Log)
Playing With Super Players Is Not A Lot Of Fun In Special Force 2 SEA (Gamer's Log)
Playing with Super Players in Special Force 2 SEA was not a lot of fun because I did not get to shoot nor kill anyone in the game.Getting no kills in Special Force 2 is something that happens to me a lot because I have a really terrible aim but, in this particular match, I did not get any kills because my team mates were Super Players.
When I entered or joined the match, the match was almost ending. I also got lucky because I was grouped with the winning team and this team was leading the match with 7 wins against nothing.
Unfortunately, I kinda did not enjoy the match because my team mates were so good at killing the other team that I never got a chance to kill anyone.
For example, in one of the rounds, my team mates were so quick in killing the other team that it only took them less than 30 seconds to kill everyone in the other team.
The match ended with my team winning 10 to nothing but I was not really that happy because I didn't get any experience points from the victory.
Anyway, if you are not yet playing Special Force 2 and you want to give it a try then simply download the game for free from its official website.
Now, if you are already playing Special Force 2 but you are getting massive amounts of lag in the game then I suggest you use WTFast. It has a 14 days free trial and that is enough time to see if WTFast works for you.
Special Force 2 Related Links & Other Resources
• Go to Special Force 2 SEA Website →
• Visit Special Force 2 Wiki →
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