Defect: Space Destruction Kit Is Now Available In STEAM
Defect: Space Destruction Kit Is Now Available In STEAM
The game where you can build spaceships of your dreams and destroy them in a never ending cycle of creation and destruction called Defect: Space Destruction Kit is now available in STEAM.I first talked about this game, Defect: Space Destruction Kit, when it was still in STEAM Greenlight and I even voted YES to i because it has a very interesting concept behind.
Now, the game, Defect: Space Destruction Kit, is available in STEAM and, unfortunately, I still don't have a copy of the game but, obviously, that is not going to stop me from talking about the game.
First of all, this is not a review of the game, Defect: Space Destruction Kit, because I have not played it. This is just my quick reaction to the Release Trailer of the game.
Also, I was not paid nor sponsored nor was I given a key to talk about this game, Defect: Space Destruction Kit. So, with that said, let's get started.
The Release Trailer of Defect: Space Destruction Kit, basically summed up the basic premise of the game and that is creating spaceships and destroying them. Well, at least, that is how I understand the game.
The Release Trailer showed spaceships getting created, spaceships getting stolen by the crew of the ships, massive space battles, a number of missions to complete, player versus player and it ended with a planet getting hit with a massive laser beam.
Why was the planet targeted? I have no freaking idea but it did give the Release Trailer of Defect: Space Destruction Kit a somewhat dramatic ending.
Now, just based on the concept of building and destroying spaceships, this is definitely an interesting game and my computer will not have any problems running this game.
Anyway, the link to the Release Trailer of Defect: Space Destruction Kit is in the description of this video. So, check it out and see if it's the kind of game you are willing to pay and play.
So, did you guys see the Release Trailer of Defect Space Destruction Kit? If you did then what do you think of it? Post your answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.
FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.
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