Defect SDK Gameplay #1 ★ Shipyard Orbit - Tutorial - Learning How To Play The Game (Transcript)
Defect SDK Gameplay #1 ★ Shipyard Orbit - Tutorial - Learning How To Play The Game
Hey guys, welcome back. My name is Kabalyero and I'm going to play a few minutes of Defect: Space Destruction Kit. It's a game where players build ships and destroy them.
This is my first time playing this game and that is why I'm going through the Tutorial because I have no freaking idea how to play this game.
So what am I looking at right now? My guess is, this is my first spaceship and it's called the Dawn Bomb, I think. There is also this bird named Zeke and, I guess, he's going to help me learn how to play this game.
Okay so, the first thing Zeke wants me to do is zoom in and out and that is done by simply rolling the Mousewheel.
Next is flying in the vastness of space and that is done by using the WASD Keys or by the Arrow Keys. As you can see, moving in space is very simple.
Now, I'll get to practice shooting and it seems that shooting or firing is automatic. I just need to move my spaceship close enough to the target and it will start firing or shooting.
Boom! The target has been destroyed but the explosion also destroyed my spaceship and now I'm floating aimlessly in space.
So, what am I looking at right now? Well, from the look of this interface, I think I'm going to learn how to build a spaceship and Captain Tayl will teach me how.
And there you go, I just built my first Spaceship in Defect with the help of Captain Tayl. It's obviously just a basic Spaceship but, it doesn't matter, as long as it can fly in space and shoot at enemies.
Okay so, I'm now back in space with my newly built Spaceship and my first mission is to inspect this other spaceship named Ambiguous Wind.
Oh, it seems that Ambiguous Wind is trying to make an escape and, now, I need to stop it from escaping by taking out its engines.
So, I stopped Ambiguous Wind from escaping but now, I have a much bigger problem. A huge round ship and a smaller ship just appeared out of nowhere.
Whoa! So, reinforcement just arrived and it's a much, much bigger spaceship than the enemy. This is going to be one explosive space battle.
And look at that, a new enemy spaceship just entered the battle and it's a freaking big spaceship.
Oh my goodness! The two big ships just destroyed each other and now I have to destroy Ambiguous Wind before any more enemy ships appear. So, let's go and destroy that ship.
And there you go! Ambiguous Wind destroyed!
What the crap just happened? My crew just ejected me out of my spaceship and left me alone floating in space. Wow! That is freaking crazy.
Anyway, you can continue watching me play this game, Defect SDK, in my next gameplay video and if you are interested in playing this game then simply check out the links in the description of this video.
Also, if you enjoyed watching me play Defect SDK then please help me grow this channel by simply liking this video, sharing this video to your friends and by subscribing to this channel.
Thank you very much for watching. Bye bye!
☛ What Is Defect SDK?
According to Steam, "Create the most powerful ship in the galaxy piece by piece, take it into battle and then lose your ship to a traitorous crew in an endless cycle of punishment and revenge."
☛ Defect SDK Related Links & Other Resources
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☛ About Kabalyero Plays
Kabalyero Plays is my YouTube Channel where I uploads my latest gameplay or let's play videos of the games I currently play. (Check out my T-Shirt Designs in Spreadshirt and don't hesitate to buy one →
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