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Created A Character In Naruto Online By Simply Choosing A Character Class (Gamer's Log)

Created A Character In Naruto Online By Simply Choosing A Character Class (Gamer's Log)

Naruto Online is a browser-based game and, like most browser-based games, Naruto Online has a very simple Character Creation.

Character Creation in Naruto Online is so simple that it took me only a few seconds to create a new character. It was simply a matter of choosing a Character Class or Type and giving it a name.

Created A Character In Naruto Online By Simply Choosing A Character Class (Gamer's Log)

There were no Character Customization whatsoever. The only thing that I was able to change or customize was my character's name and, that mean's, having hundreds, if not thousands, of clones in the game.

As a new player who was creating a new character to play in the game, I was able to choose from 5 different Character Classes or Types.

I had to choose one from Midnight Blue, Azure Fang, Scarlet Blaze, Breeze Dancer and Crimson Fist. There were five of them and each one corresponds to a different element like Lightning, Water, Fire, Wind and Earth.

I decided to play as Midnight Blue because, as much as I don't like Lightning in real life, I liked how the character looks and, besides, Lightning is a very bad ass element or power to have.

Anyway, the character creation process would have been much better if there was somekind of character customization involved but I guess customization is not very important in games like Naruto Online.

So, what character class are you playing in Naruto Online? Post your answer as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.

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