WTFast, Nexon & Riders Of Icarus ★ WTFast Posting A Reply, Is That Freaking Real?
WTFast, Nexon & Riders Of Icarus ★ WTFast Posting A Reply, Is That Freaking Real?
Hey guys! Welcome back! My name is Kabalyero and this is kinda an update to the WTFast & Nexon or Riders Of Icarus issue.A couple of days ago, WTFastPWNer posted a reply in the Riders of Icarus forum saying something like Riders of Icarus getting added to the games database of WTFast.
WTFastPWNer also sent out a public call to Nexon about chatting or meeting with Nexon regarding WTFast working or running with Nexon's game security systems.
This is obviously a great news to all WTFast users that play Riders of Icarus but, the question is, is that really WTFastPWNer?
Unfortunately, I have no way of answering that question but whether this particular WTFastPWNer is the real WTFastPWNer or not is not important anymore.
Because, according to the thread starter and I quote, "heard back from Nexon support and they said that they will submit a report about being able to use WTFast ".
Now, if all of these are true then it will just be a matter of time until all of you Riders of Icarus players can use WTFast again without any problems or issues.
Of course, if you want to learn more about what's happening or get updates about this WTFast issue then simply go to the official Nexon Riders of Icarus forum.
So, do you guys see Nexon allowing the use of WTFast with Riders of Icarus? Post your answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.
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