Dragon + Chickens = Drickens » Let's Play AdventureQuest 3D #2 (STEAM Early Access)
Dragon + Chickens = Drickens » Let's Play AdventureQuest 3D #2 (STEAM Early Access)
In this Let's Play AdventureQuest 3D gameplay video, I completed a quest from Gaz and it was a very easy quest that involved killing Dragons.. err... Drickens to be exact. A Dricken is what you get when you cross a Dragon with a Chicken. LOL!AdventureQuest 3D is a cross-platform online multiplayer fantasy RPG from the creators of the original 2D Flash web game! (Play AdventureQuest 3D → http://www.aq3d.com)
This Let's Play AdventureQuest 3D gameplay video was created using VideoPad by NCH Software. VideoPad is an award winning video editing program that is very easy to learn and use. (Get VideoPad → http://bit.ly/22sRa0q)

AdventureQuest 3D Links & Resources
• AdventureQuest 3D Twitter → https://goo.gl/JsznO
• AdventureQuest 3D Facebook → https://goo.gl/gyGPji
• AdventureQuest 3D GooglePlus → https://goo.gl/7FUx1p
• AdventureQuest 3D Wiki → http://goo.gl/d3zgAC
Background Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
My Links
• Twitter → http://www.twitter.com/kabalyero
• Facebook → http://www.facebook.com/kabalyero.online
• Blog → http://www.kabalyero.info
About Me
My name is Kabalyero and I'm a casual gamer, struggling blogger, small youtuber and a happy father. I also love to play various games and one of those games that captured my interest is, obviously, AdventureQuest 3D.
FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.
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