Free USS Enterprise Fishing Rod ★ Star Trek Alien Domain Anniversary Video Contest
Free USS Enterprise Fishing Rod ★ Star Trek Alien Domain Anniversary Video Contest
Hey guys! I'm currently here at my first colony in Fluidic Space to tell you guys that, today, I created a USS Enterprise Fishing Rod in Second Life and it's absolutely freaking FREE to anyone who wants it in Second Life.Obviously, I created this awesome Custom Fishing Rod to help promote the on-going Star Trek Alien Domain Anniversary Video Contest and to, hopefully, get a few votes to my Video Contest Entry.
I'm not really expecting to get a ton of votes from this Free USS Enterprise Fishing Rod but, if I can get one or two votes from it then it was worth all the efforts I put in creating it
Also, instead of joining the on-going drama that's happening in the official Star Trek Alien Domain forum regarding this particular Anniversary Video Contest, I'd rather just focus on getting more votes.
So guys, if you are a Second Life resident who enjoys fishing in Second Life and you are also a Star Trek fan then why not grab this Free USS Enterprise Fishing Rod from the Marketplace.
Of course, voting on my Video Contest Entry is not required but I would really appreciate it very much. Also, don't forget to tell all your Second Life fishing friends about this Free USS Enterprise Fishing Rod.
• Get the Free USS Enterprise Fishing Rod @
• Join Second Life for FREE @
• Vote for Video Contest Entry @
So, for those who are still watching this video, would you guys enjoy fishing using Free USS Enterprise Fishing Rod? Share your thoughts as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.
Now, before you leave and move on to the next video, just don't forget to subscribe to this channel and like this video. My name is Kabalyero and thank you for watching The Kabalyero Show. Bye Bye.
FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.
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