573 Votes WOW ★ Star Trek Alien Domain Anniversary Video Contest
573 Votes WOW ★ Star Trek Alien Domain Anniversary Video Contest
Oh my freaking goodness! The number of votes on my Star Trek Alien Domain Anniversary Video Contest entry is now at 573. WOW!Seriously, I'm surprised because I was not expecting to see that kind of number. Yes, I've been somewhat aggressively promoting my video entry in my twitter account, in facebook, in my gameplay videos and livestreams, in my blog and even in Second Life but to see a big jump to 573 from 111 kinda caught me off-guard.
111 Votes as of my Vote For Me video and before going to bed. ^_^
573 Votes when I woke up a few hours later. O_o
Honestly, I wasn't expecting to see that kind of number. In fact, from all the sharing and promoting I'm currently doing, I was somewhat expecting to see at least an extra 20 to 50 more votes a day but, of course, if I get more then I'm not complaining.

Trust me, I'm very very happy to receive a lot of votes, I'm very very thankful to everyone who took a few seconds of their precious time to vote on my video entry and I'm really, really hoping that they will do it everyday because there are still a lot of days left in the voting period.
By the way, I'm not just the only one doing all the promoting and sharing. My daughter is also somewhat aggressively asking all her friends in Facebook to keep on voting everyday and to share the link to everyone they know and that is freaking amazing.
Anyway guys, I'm sharing this to you because I want to, again, thank all of you who have voted and are voting everyday. Please know that I'm very very thankful and I really, really appreciate it very very much.
So, for those who are still watching this video, do you guys think my entry has a good chance of moving into the next round? Share your thoughts as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.
FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.
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