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Tree Of Savior Philippines Players ★ In What Server Are You Playing?

Tree Of Savior Philippines Players ★ In What Server Are You Playing?

Hey guys, if you are a Tree Of Savior player from the Philippines then I just want to ask you guys in what server are you playing?

Tree Of Savior Philippines Players ★ In What Server Are You Playing?

I'm asking you guys this question because I tried playing in the SEA Varena Server and it wasn't that good. First of all, the server is very unstable, I keep getting long queues and it's as laggy as the Klaipeda Server.

Now, if the SEA Varena Server is as laggy as the Klaipeda Server then what is the point of having a SEA Server for SEA Players? Absolutely nothing!

Besides being very laggy, the SEA Varena Server is also very unstable. For some reason, when I play in the SEA Varena Server, the game would suddenly turn dark and go back to the title screen.

Because of my not so good experience in the SEA Varena Server, I decided to play in the Klaipeda Server instead. Yes, it was still very laggy but, at least, the server is more stable than the SEA Varena Server.

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The game has never turned dark nor went back to the title screen whenever I play in the Klaipeda Server. My only real problem playing in the Klaipeda Server is the lag.

So guys, my question again is, in what server are you playing and how is your gaming experience in it? Post your answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.

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