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Kenshi Giveaway ★ By PCGamesN, Giveaway Ends In A Few Days

Kenshi Giveaway ★ By PCGamesN, Giveaway Ends In A Few Days

Hey guys! My name is Kabalyero and thank you for checking out this video. PCGamesN is running a new giveaway and this time its giving away 100 copies of Kenshi.

Kenshi Giveaway ★ By PCGamesN, Giveaway Ends In A Few Days

First of all, PCGamesN is an awesome gaming news site because, besides giving us the latest news in the gaming industry, it also like to give away awesome games.

The game PCGamesN is giving away this time is Kenshi and its giving away a total of 100 copies of it. If you've always wanted to get your hands on this game, well, now you can.

Kenshi Giveaway ★ By PCGamesN, Giveaway Ends In A Few Days

To join this awesome giveaway by PCGamesN, just go to the website, open the post about the giveaway and submit your entries using the Gleam Giveaway Widget.

Unfortunately, this Kensi giveaway by PCGamesN will end in just a few days. So go to PCGamesN NOW and submit your entries for a chance of winning a copy of Kenshi.

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So guys, have you entered in this Kenshi giveaway by PCGamesN? Share your answers as well your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.

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