Crazy Pixel Streaker ★ How I Got This STEAM Game Free
Crazy Pixel Streaker ★ How I Got This STEAM Game Free
► Hey guys! My name is Kabalyero and, recently, I was lucky enough to get Crazy Pixel Streaker for FREE.► Crazy Pixel Streaker is a game about streaking, pixel art graphics, exploding watermelons, aliens from space and whole lot of other crazyness.
I was able to try out and play the DEMO version of the game and, even though it was just a demo, it was already a lot of fun to play. In fact, you can check out my Crazy Pixel Streaker gameplay videos in my gameplay channel.
Unfortunately, when Crazy Pixel Streaker got released, I was not able to get the game because it wasn't FREE. The game cost about 10 US Dollars in STEAM.
So, how did I get Crazy Pixel Streaker for FREE? Well, I got this STEAM Game FREE from a giveaway by PCGamesN.
PCGamesN was giving away 100 copies or STEAM Keys of Crazy Pixel Streaker and I was lucky enough to get one of those STEAM Keys.
Thanks to PCGamesN, I now have Crazy Pixel Streaker safely added to my STEAM Library of Games. I have not played the game yet again but eventually I will.
I'm sure this retail version of Crazy Pixel Streaker will be a lot better than the Demo version of the game but the only way I can find that out is by playing the game.
Now, for those who want to check out this Crazy Pixel Streaker, again, it will cost you about 10 US Dollars if you get it in STEAM but you might get it a little bit cheaper at G2A.
► What about you guys? Have any of you tried playing Crazy Pixel Streaker? If you have then did you enjoy playing or not? Share your answers as well as you comments, question or reactions in the comments section below.
FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.
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