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Gamer's Log, Game Date 3.3.2016 ★ Character Creation, My Human Male Warrior ★ Trinium Wars

Gamer's Log, Game Date 3.3.2016 - Created my first character in Trinium Wars and he is a Male Human Warrior.

Gamer's Log, Game Date 3.3.2016 ★ Character Creation, My Human Male Warrior ★ Trinium Wars

Yesterday, I had a chance to play Trinium Wars for the first time and the first thing I did is create a new character. The character I created was a Male Human Warrior.

Of course, the character creation process was not that simple but it was not difficult as well. First, I was asked by the game to choose a faction between Human and Narc. Obviously, I chose the Human faction.

In the next screen, I made a selection from three character classes and they were Warrior, Ghosts and Esper. The character class that I selected was the Warrior and the gender was Male.

The only reason why I selected the Warrior class was because of the fact that I always play a melee / tank character in almost all MMORPGs that I've played.

Anyway, watch me play Trinium Wars in the videos below.

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