Gamer's Log, Game Date 3.31.2016 ★ Fought Sleepy Grobblers In Pocket MapleStory SEA
Gamer's Log, Game Date 3.31.2016 - Sleepy Grobblers are lazy and I fought them in Pocket MapleStory SEA.
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The last time I played Pocket MapleStory SEA, I was able to complete a newbie quest called Get To Training. It was a quest given by Cartalion.
The quest involved killing a few Sleepy Grobblers whom Cartalion didn't like because he thinks these Sleepy Grobblers are lazy and I guess Cartalion hates lazy things.
So, I took my character to West Pantheon Plains where the Sleepy Grobblers were located and just hacked and slashed a few of them or until the quest objective was completed.
After completing the quest, I took my character back to Cartalion and reported the completion of the quest where I was rewarded with 120 exp and 248 Mesos.
Anyway guys, if you would like to play Pocket MapleStory SEA then all you have to do is click here.
Please watch the Pocket MapleStory SEA gameplay video for this Gamer's Blog below:
Watch the video version of this Gamer's Log below:
The last time I played Pocket MapleStory SEA, I was able to complete a newbie quest called Get To Training. It was a quest given by Cartalion.
The quest involved killing a few Sleepy Grobblers whom Cartalion didn't like because he thinks these Sleepy Grobblers are lazy and I guess Cartalion hates lazy things.
So, I took my character to West Pantheon Plains where the Sleepy Grobblers were located and just hacked and slashed a few of them or until the quest objective was completed.
After completing the quest, I took my character back to Cartalion and reported the completion of the quest where I was rewarded with 120 exp and 248 Mesos.
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Anyway guys, if you would like to play Pocket MapleStory SEA then all you have to do is click here.
Please watch the Pocket MapleStory SEA gameplay video for this Gamer's Blog below:
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