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Heart Castle - Now Available In App Store And Google Play

Heart Castle, Asiasoft's newest free-to-play mobile game is now available in App Store and Google Play.

Heart Castle - Now Available In App Store And Google Play

The last time I talked about Heart Castle, the game was still in Beta but, now, Asiasoft has officially released Heart Castle in App Store and Google Play.

So, what is Heart Castle? For those who don't know, Heart Castle is a free-to-play action-adventure role-playing game published by Asiasoft and available to players in Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines and Indonesia.

Heart Castle is based on the lore of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. You, as a player, will go on a mission to uncover the mystery behind the spellbound creatures in Wonderland.

Heart Castle will let you play either as a Warrior or a Wizard and bring along three magical creatures to join you in your adventures.

Currently, Heart Castle has four game modes and these game modes are Story Mode, Dimension Hole, Infinity Tower and Arena.

Anyway guys, if any of you are into mobile action-role-playing games then why not check out Heart Castle. You'll find it in App Store and in Google Play.

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